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Alicia Ward, DPM

Alicia Ward, DPM
Physician and Surgeon
of the
Foot and Ankle
Dr. Alicia Ward was born and raised in White Lake, Michigan. She is the daughter of Kenneth, a retired pilot and aircraft sales manager and Donna, a retired nursing professor. Her siblings include an older brother, Matthew and a younger brother, Nicholas. Dr. Ward's family provided her the encouragement to dream big and instilled an unwavering work ethic that has lead toward a lifetime of achievements.
From a young age, Dr. Ward excelled in academics as well as athletics. She began with gymnastics and dance, which soon expanded into: soccer, softball, volleyball, basketball and track. Her love of sports continued while attending Lakeland High School. During Dr. Ward's senior year, the Eagles won the District Championship in basketball and she was voted Most Valuable Player of the track team.
Upon graduation in 2005, Dr. Ward received academic scholarships to attend Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan. While taking a Microbiology/ Immunology course, Dr. Ward discovered her love of medicine and began her pursuit of becoming a Podiatrist. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in Sales/ Marketing and graduated in four years at the top of her class.
That spring, Dr. Ward was accepted to Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. In her second semester of medical school, Dr. Ward was faced with adversity when she became very ill and was admitted to the hospital for eight days. Following this life altering event, Dr. Ward was forced to take a two-month medical leave but refused to accept recommendations from faculty and peers to repeat her entire year. In a testament to her drive and tenacity, Dr. Ward not only returned to school that semester, but finished in the top 12% of her graduating class earning her Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine (DPM).
Dr. Ward returned to Michigan to continue training at St. John Providence Hospital where she completed an extensive three-year surgical residency. This program provided Dr. Ward exceptional training under the direction of many fine physicians including Dr.'s Lefkowitz and Stock, allowing her the opportunity to refine her skills in foot and ankle reconstruction, diabetic limb salvage, wound care, and sports medicine. Following her second year, Dr. Ward was elected Chief Podiatry Resident by the Department of Podiatry placing her in the leadership role mentoring and guiding the other 8 residents at Providence Hospital.
Dr. Ward is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Kevin. Unbeknownst to Kevin when they began dating, he too would be in for the 11-year rollercoaster ride through his wife's higher education and training. His continued support and encouragement has proved invaluable over the years.
Dr. Ward is thrilled to be a full-time physician and surgeon joining Dr.'s Lefkowitz, Stock and Jupin of Michigan Foot and Ankle in both Ferndale and Milford locations. She remains dedicated to serving the patients from her hometown of southeast Michigan. Dr. Ward truly has a passion for her patient's total well-being and her profession. In her free time, she enjoys reading novels, boating, skiing, visiting family and friends, and of course running outside with her dog, Diego... who was always at her side during many long nights of study.
St. John Providence Podiatric Residency Program, Southfield, MI (2013 - 2016)
- Comprehensive training in Podiatric Medicine & Foot/Ankle Reconstructive Surgery
- Chief Resident
Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine, Cleveland, OH (2009 - 2013)
- Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, Magna Cum Laude
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI (2005 - 2009)
- Major: Bachelors of Science in Biology, Magna Cum Laude
- Minor: Marketing and Sales
Lakeland High School, White Lake, MI (2001-2005)
- Full Podiatric Physician and Surgeon Licensure, State of Michigan
- Passed National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners, Part 1, 2 and 3
- Certified in ACLS and BLS
- Diplomate, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Board Certified in Foot Surgery
- Chief Resident, Providence Hospital Podiatry Residency Program (2015 - 2016)
- Podiatry Student and Visitor Coordinator, Providence Hospital Podiatry Residency Program (2014 - 2015)
- Pi Delta National Podiatric Honor Society, Vice President (2012 - 2013)
- Selected into the Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges
- Class of 2013 Representative on Academic Council for College of Podiatric Medicine (2009 - 2013)
- American Association of Woman Podiatrists – Executive Board (2010-2012)
- Kent State College of Podiatric Medicine’s Woman’s Basketball Team, Captain (2009 - 2013)
- Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy Surgical Skills Course, Chicago, IL, April 2016
- Advanced Techniques in Skeletal Fixation of the Foot and Ankle course, TN, March 2016
- Providence Hospital Research Day participant, Limb Salvage Case Study, 2016
- 5th Annual Amputation Prevention Symposium, Poster Presenter, Chicago, IL Aug 2015
- Published Abstract in CLI Global Compendium, Sept 2015
- Limb Salvage of Complicated Diabetic Patient using Multiple Contemporary Treatment Modalities and a Team Approach
- Presenter at ACFAS Division 7 Complications Forum, Detroit, MI April 2015
- AAFAO Comprehensive Course of Internal Fixation for Reconstructive Surgery and Trauma of the Foot and Ankle, Cordova, TN, Sept 2014
- Yellow Dye Laser Training Course for treatment of warts and other dermatologic lesions, 2014
- Special Olympics
- Red Cross Blood Drives
- Medical tents at sporting events
- Blood pressure screenings
- Diabetic foot screenings
- Harvey Lefkowitz, D.P.M.,P.C.
Ferndale, MI
July 2016 - Present - Highland-Milford Foot Specialists, P.C.
Milford, MI
July 2016 - Present